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If the rationing board decides to not pay for a particular treatment or drug, patients are out of luck. If the denied treatment is lifesaving, guess what follows? Hence the characterization of these rationing boards as “death panels.” Sarah Palin warned of “death panels” within ObamaCare but as usual was ridiculed by the media. Yet in the UK, their National Health Service (NHS), the model for ObamaCare, just demonstrated another example of their death panels. “Six breast cancer drugs are to be banned from use by NHS patients,” according to the Daily Mail. How’s that for “war on women”?
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The IPAB has many options at its disposal, including limiting access to expensive drugs and technology as well as reducing physician fees. The net result is rationed healthcare. And for some, the lack of care will lead to death, hence the characterization as “death panels.”
Medicaid provides a clear example of what happens when physician fees are cut to an extreme degree. Fewer than half of physicians are willing to accept new Medicaid patients according to a recent physician survey. The result is long waits for appointments and procedures. The VA system illustrated the consequences of delayed medical care with 20 patients dying while waiting for treatment at the Phoenix VA hospital.
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So what happens when an unelected and unaccountable rationing board decides you can’t receive the lifesaving or extending treatment you need? Instead of the patient and their physician making these decisions, as it should be, the government is doing all of the deciding. Cancer patients in the UK are learning this lesson the hard way.
President Obama nominated Donald Berwick to run Medicare and Medicaid. Dr. Berwick is a big fan of the NHS; “I am a romantic about the NHS; I love it.” Expect to see ObamaCare morph into a version of the NHS as it continues to unfold. Including rationing. Death panels are indeed alive and well.
January 16, 2015
Death Panels -- Alive and Well
By Brian C. Joondeph
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