February 5, 2015

Study Shows Psychiatric Drugs Destroy Human Will

Disturbingly, researchers found participants often exhibited 'a culture of hopelessness' where acceptance was dominant, which they warn can destroy an individual's will to recover. 
Credit: Charlotte Spencer
More evidence that psychiatry is a method of controlling humans, not curing, not healing not freeing or empowering. 

[From article]
Interviews with community members who are taking antipsychotic medication for mental health problems have added to growing concerns about how the drugs are administered, their effectiveness against placebo and the severity of their side-effects.
[. . .]
The recent research also touches on how stigma can lead individuals to 'just put up with the drugs' despite not believing they help.
While their sample size is limited, Murdoch University and the University of Queensland researchers say insight into lived experience is invaluable.
"People using antipsychotic medications experience adverse side-effects that reach into their physical, social and emotional lives, and cause a level of fear and suffering that is difficult for anyone else to fully comprehend," Murdoch Professor Paul Morrison says.


Antipsychotic meds prompt zombie-like state among patients
by Rob Payne
February 5, 2015

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