[From article]
However, we can clearly observe that wherever Islam rears its head, civilization dies. That does not tell us what is best, just merely what to avoid.
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A civilization's height and stability depend on how well they treat its women. This should be a no-brainer. Civilizations which are overly male dominated are overly violent. Islamic cultures come to mind. To regard women is to place feminine virtues above brute force, which is then relegated to the bottom of the social hierarchy. Islam seems incapable of absorbing this fact. The more civilized the nation is, the better it treats its women. This is an invariable and iron-clad rule.
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Islam is sheer poison. Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Catholicism, Protestantism, Shintoism all have their problems and issues, yet all can produce high civilization. Islam produces nothing, borrows everything, and then corrupts whatever it borrows.
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Islam considers all history before Mohammed as Jahiliyyah (ignorance), and allows no additions apart from Islam. It has no concept of progress.
There may be no superior religion required for civilization -- though Christianity is recommended, especially for its ethics -- but there is one religion which destroys all civilization: Islam.
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There is no superior race, with each ethnic group producing its own peculiar form of indigenous genius, and having the ability to learn and appreciate the genius produced by others. However, up to this time in history, sub-Saharan Africa seems peculiarly immune to this general rule. Africa was de-colonized 50 years ago. During that time, Singapore rose to heights. India is now an industrial power. Yet, all of Africa, even Christian Africa, remains a complete mess.
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Also clear is that no one wants to stare this African exception in the face.
I can find no universal rule for civilizational success except to treat women better. I can find one universal rule to avoid civilizational collapse: Avoid Islam.
Africa remains beyond explanation.
February 21, 2015
Why Nations Succeed and Fail
By Mike Konrad
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