Boston PBS (taxpayer funded) station has a weekly (weakly) show "Basic Black." All black pundits talk about how bad black people have it, how racist white people are, and how black people can get more opportunities. My complaint letters are ignored. Complained also about other PBS shows, their sponsors (i.e., their advertisers), and to the presidents of the station. Persons with disabilities remain underrepresented on their taxpayer funded stations. The response changed the subject. The daughter of the late CBS News, 60 Minutes celebrity, Andy Rooney, threatened to have me banned from Boston media when I complained too much. So much for equality. It is dominance they seek.
[From article]
Even when Chris Rock admits that sometimes things just are what they are, with no conspiracy against black people, some bleeding-heart leftist steps up to remind black people just how bad we have it.
Are black people excluded from Hollywood? Are there not black people doing quite well in Hollywood?
Tyler Perry is practically a one-man wrecking crew with his Madea films. And before people realized how vile and despicable Spike Lee is, he did pretty well in Hollywood, though he is pretty much a bottom-feeder these days.
[Comment from The Demon Slick McFire • February 23, 2015 8:30 AM ET]
My friends in other countries think that America has a 50% black population, based on our movies and TV. The ones who visit are almost always surprised.
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