Doctor plans to attach a living person’s head to a donor body in operation he says is not far off. Photograph: Alamy
Much too difficult. It is much easier and less time consuming to just do mind transplants. If Obama, Biden, Holder, the Clintons and Jonathan Gruber can do it, anyone can.
[From article]
Sergio Canavero, a doctor in Turin, Italy, has drawn up plans to graft a living person’s head on to a donor body and claims the procedures needed to carry out the operation are not far off.
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He has claimed for years that medical science has advanced to the point that a full body transplant is plausible, but the proposal has caused raised eyebrows, horror and profound disbelief in other surgeons.
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According to the procedure Canavero outlined this month, doctors would first cool the patient’s head and the donor’s body so their cells do not die during the operation. The neck is then cut through, the blood vessels linked up with thin tubes, and the spinal cord cut with an exceptionally sharp knife to minimise nerve damage. The recipient’s head is then moved on to the donor’s body.
The next stage is trickier. Canavero believes that the spinal cord nerves that would allow the recipient’s brain to talk to the donor’s body can be fused together using a substance called polyethylene glycol. To stop the patient moving, they must be kept in a coma for weeks. When they come round, Canavero believes they would be able to speak and feel their face, though he predicts they would need a year of physiotherapy before they could move the body.
First full body transplant is two years away, surgeon claims
Doctor plans to graft a living person’s head on to a donor body using procedures he believes will soon be ready
Ian Sample, science editor
Wednesday 25 February 2015 13.50 EST
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