Posted February 19, 2015 8:46 PM ET; Last updated February 24, 2015 8:55 PM ET

[From article]
How does Obama get away with being “The Insulter-in-Chief”? Certainly the liberal media have been accomplices -- even Saturday Night Live mocked the media for their fawning approach towards Obama. But primarily, Obama and his Democratic allies consider most Americans to be stupid (see many examples here) and could not resist calling their own supporters “knuckleheads.”
The Republicans blew opportunities in 2008, 2010, 2012, and 2014 to tell Americans the truth about Barack Obama and his views towards them. The media abetted them and Obama. But now that Giuliani has raised the issue the media and Democratic flaks (but I repeat myself) have retaliated.
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His “apology tour” overseas once he won election was an insult to America and an assault on truth. When a slew of foreign leaders of South and Central America unleashed torrents of abuse and insults towards Americans in 2009, Barack Obama was mute and did not try to defend America. Indeed, when Daniel Ortega, the Marxist dictator of Nicaragua, excoriated America for decades of abuse, all Barack Obama was able to say in defense was that he was “thankful that President Ortega did not blame me for things that happened when I was three years old,”
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He has frequently snubbed our allies overseas while empowering our adversaries.
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He dismisses Islamic terrorism and engages in rhetorical spin to absolve Muslims of responsibility for violence.
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Don’t Republicans, elected in a magisterial red sweep in 2014, also have legitimate grievances regarding Obama’s flouting of the laws? These Americans -- including the ones who voted for Republicans -- do not seem to have legitimate grievances in Obama’s view. They don’t matter to him at all except as foils to insult and generate rage against.
Since Obama sees America as a force of evil in the world that has caused much pain to the oppressed, he has steadily done his best to weaken America and our capacity to defend ourselves in the future and seriously damaged.
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So Rudy and Dinesh were right and if the besotted media had been fulfilling their responsibilities over the years America would not be saddled with a president who has contempt for millions and millions of Americans. Barack Obama agrees with Rudy Giuliani: he doesn’t love America.
So reporters should stop asking other politicians their opinions about Barack Obama’s love for America. The answer is obvious and has been for years.
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As critical as Davis was to the formation of the fatherless Obama, Pulitzer Prize-winner David Maraniss managed to write a 10,000-word piece for the Washington Post on Obama’s early years in August 2008 without a single mention of Davis. In the runup to the election, when the Maraniss article was published, the many Obama enthusiasts in the Post audience no more wanted to read about Davis’s unseemly hobbies than Maraniss wanted to write about them. Win-win.
Obama and his admirers in the media understood that this was a relationship best kept under wraps. Davis never renounced his Communist past. As his FBI file reveals, the Hawaiian Communist Party simply went underground and infiltrated the Democratic Party.
February 23, 2015
Rudy is Right
By Ed Lasky
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[From article]
Rudy Giuliani doubled down on his claims that President Obama doesn’t “love America” in an interview with The Post Friday — claiming the commander-in-chief has been influenced by communists since his youth.
“From the time he was 9 years old, he was influenced by Frank Marshall Davis, who was a communist,” Giuliani said. The ex-mayor added that Obama’s grandfather introduced him to Davis, a writer and labor activist.
Giuliani also said another bad influence on Obama was Saul Alinsky, a community organizer whom the ex-mayor called a “socialist.”
The man once called “America’s mayor’’ also sharply criticized the president for having been a member of a church led by radical Chicago Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
“He spent 17 years in the church of Jeremiah Wright, and this is the guy who said ‘God damn America, not God bless America,’ ’’ Giuliani said.
Giuliani also implied he was the only one with the chutzpah to call out Obama, saying: “Somebody has to raise these issues with the president. Somebody has to have the courage to stand up.”
Giuliani also bashed Obama for seeming to focus more attention on the police shooting in Missouri, which, he said, “turned out to be justified,” than the killings by Islamic fanatics. “How could you hold a press conference about Ferguson and not hold a press conference when Christians and Jews were slaughtered?” he asked.
Giuliani: Obama influenced by communists since youth
By Carl Campanile and Geoff Earle
New York Post
February 21, 2015 | 1:58am
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[From article]
Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani said his office has received death threats since his controversial comments accusing President Barack Obama of not loving America.
"My secretary has received some death threats," Giuliani said in a brief interview by phone. But the former mayor emphasized the majority of the voice mails left at his office were supportive of his remarks. Giuliani did not say whether he alerted police to the threatening calls. CNN cannot confirm whether the threats were made.
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"I don't regret making the statement. I believe it," Giuliani said. "I don't know if he loves America," he added.
"I don't feel the same enthusiasm from him for America," he continued during the interview.
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Giuliani said he was disgusted with Obama's response to the executions of Egyptian Coptic Christians by ISIS and the attack on a Jewish market in Paris by radicals inspired by the terrorist group.
The President erred, Giuliani maintains, in not holding a press conference to immediately denounce those acts of terrorism.
"Islamic extremism is not an abstraction," he continued.
By contrast, Giuliani pointed out, the President did make comments to the press after the racial unrest in Ferguson, Missouri.
"There's something wrong with the rhetoric here," Giuliani said.
"I think the President is a very poor leader," Giuliani added, saying Obama doesn't measure up to past presidents Ronald Reagan, John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton.
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Giuliani said the White House owes him an apology after stating that he had made similar remarks about Obama during the 2008 campaign. Giuliani said that claim from White House spokesman Eric Schultz was not true.
"I think they should apologize to me," Giuliani said.

The White House should apologize to the nation, and to the people, who helped him get where he is. He has no shame. He has no love for the United States. He acts like he wants to destroy the country. His wife explained how she hated the country because of what it did to her husband. Huh? Columbia University degree, Harvard Law School degree, US Senator and President. This couple needs to do some self evaluation and show some humility. He acts more like a spy than the President.
Giuliani stands by Obama comments
By Jim Acosta,
CNN Senior White House Correspondent
Updated 12:36 PM ET, Sat February 21, 2015
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[From article]
President Barack Obama has warned that Muslim community leaders are in danger of losing the propaganda war with the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isil) and are often too “boring” to prevent their young people from getting radicalised.
Paying Isil a back-handed compliment for the effectiveness of its gruesome social media outreach campaign, Mr Obama said it was imperative to reach young Muslims and address their social, political and economic grievances in a way that they understood.
“By the way, [to] the older people here - as wise and respected as you may be - your stuff is often boring,” he told a White House summit on combatting the rise of extremism, “compared to what they're doing. You're not connected. And as a consequence, you are not connecting.”
Mr Obama it was time to be “honest” that slickly-produced Isil videos of fighting scenes, beheadings other atrocities were succeeding in brainwashing young Muslims.
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His remarks came amid mounting criticism from some hawks in Washington that Mr Obama has refused to directly link Isil’s extremism with the religion of Islam.
However Mr Obama said that he rejected that linkage because it legitimised the Islamic State’s own propaganda that they are fighting a holy war against the West.
“We must never accept the premise that they put forward, because it is a lie,” Mr Obama said, “nor should we grant these terrorists the religious legitimacy that they seek. They are not religious leaders; they're terrorists. We are not at war with Islam.”
Barack Obama: Muslim elders too 'boring' to win Isil propaganda war
Islam is not to blame for rise of Islamic State says Barack Obama, arguing people not religion responsible for violence and terrorism
By Peter Foster, Washington
11:27PM GMT 18 Feb 2015
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[From article]
Obama doesn’t love America — and Mitt’s not much better.
Those were the not-so-subtle views expressed by former Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker at a Manhattan dinner party Wednesday night.
“I do not believe — and I know this is a horrible thing to say — but I do not believe that this President loves America,” Giuliani said of Obama.
“He doesn't love you. He doesn't love me. He wasn't brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up," Giuliani added. "To love this country. And with all our faults, we're the most exceptional country in the world."
The former mayor attempted to soften his comments Thursday, saying that he was "not questioning (Obama's) patriotism."
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“You can be a patriotic American and be a critic," he added, "but then you're not expressing that kind of love that we're used to from a President."
Rudy Giuliani claims Obama 'doesn't love America' while Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker goes after Mitt Romney
The political figures expressed their disdain while attending a Manhattan dinner party Wednesday.
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Published: Thursday, February 19, 2015, 1:52 AM Updated: Thursday, February 19, 2015, 4:16 PM
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