[From article]
One week after the Washington Post called us nuts for believing that airborne transmission of Ebola might be possible, the Washington Post reports that airborne transmission of Ebola is “very likely.”
[. . .]
Achebach’s college degree is a 1982 baccalaureate in Politics, if we can believe the dystopian Wikipedia. That almost makes Bill Nye’s baccalaureate in mechanical engineering sound impressive. Not that anything’s wrong with not having a college degree in science, or not having any college degree at all. But something does seem a little off when guys like Achenbach (BA Politics), Nye (BS Mechanical Engineering) and Al Gore (BA Government) lecture real scientists like Richard Lindzen (BA Physics, PhD Applied Mathematics, Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at MIT) and William Happer (PhD Physics, Cyrus Fogg Brackett[3] Professor of Physics at Princeton University) on climate.
February 24, 2015
Is There Anything Science Reporters Don't Know?
By Randall Hoven
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