[From article]
Now, for the first time, the King and his consults, the Crown Prince and myriad other Sunni royalty must not discount the option of tacit cooperation with Israel. Sure, it’s fun to rail against Zionists and their lapdogs in world finance and Hollywood, but the Saudis know as well as anyone that a Shia minority with the power of a nuclear bomb is a thousand times the threat Israel would ever be.
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The last words that these Christian men utter are “Ya Rabbi Yesou”, or “My Lord Jesus” in English. Then, the barbarians of ISIS decapitate them in front of their in-house film crew.
As Pope Tawadros, leader of the Coptic church, and Pope Francis, the Catholic pontiff of one billion souls, both pray for the slain, the ISIS butchering is digitally immortalized.
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No, no, this isn’t Islam, “and we are not at war with Islam” the Infant harps. Obama plugs his ears and pronounces with a tone of authority that doesn’t quite square with his ignorance in stating that “we are at war with people who have perverted Islam.” Very bold words for someone who is not an Islamic scholar.
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They laugh as Zarif recalls his latest humiliation of John Kerry, of his manhandling of the Secretary of State from the world’s single Great Power, of his expert use of taqiyya -- the Shia precept of justifiable deceit in the face of peril -- in keeping the Americans at the negotiating table. Zarif and Khameini double over in laughter after watching our State of the Union Address, because they could see Obama the Fool at his very best. The Ayatollah may well have busted his guts guffawing when he heard President Obama insist that his “…diplomacy is at work with respect to Iran, where, for the first time in a decade, we’ve halted the progress of its nuclear program and reduced its stockpile of nuclear material.”
[. . .]
Obama the Impotent says to the American public that he is an alchemist, taking an impossible scenario and manipulating it to conform to his desires, changing iron ore into sparkling, shimmering gold. Really, any impartial observer can see that he’s instead cultivating a nice, fat field of horse manure. The core problem that the President has is that foreign policy isn’t a high gloss campaign commercial, or a speech given in front of a teleprompter, and Middle Eastern despots aren’t his media cheerleaders, or vapid college kids
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At home, in the Oval Office, a seat is occupied not by a leader, but by a man who should have never ascended beyond the harmless provincial position of the Illinois State Senate.
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Across the globe, prime ministers and potentates rightfully doubt the seriousness of a leader who hits 18 rounds at the greens after James Foley, an American, was decapitated by a legion of benighted butchers who believe that they are doing the work of Allah. Obama’s final term has been unique in its unwitting combination of incompetence and idiocy.
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Even after the adoring chorus of press adulation dies down to a whisper, as the present becomes the past, proper historians will always remember the current president as Obama the Impotent, the Infant, the Fool.
February 23, 2015
Obama the Impotent, the Infant, the Fool
By Alexander Grass
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