Clearly the President and the Attorney General violated their Oaths of Office regularly. But they are not the only ones. It is a pervasive exercise showing contempt for the Constitution by an alarming number of elected and appointed officials. If only there were penalties for violation of the oath. In modern post Constitutional America, only the little people need to obey the laws.
[comment from]
Sinna D • January 31, 2015
The liberals are the modern day version of the old Bolsheviks, just as the famed Jon Gruber divined.
The Bolsheviks believed that they were an elite chosen by history to implement the will of the masses. Only the politically conscious avant-garde could divine the true interests of the people.
And the liberals or progressives entertain the very same illusion about themselves !!!
[. . .]
said Turley. “As my academic writings indicate, I have been concerned about the erosion of the lines of separation of powers for many years, and particularly the erosion of legislative authority, of this body, and of the House of Representatives.”
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“As discussed in my written testimony, the Framers focused on one defining single danger in our system, and that is the aggrandizement of power in any one branch or in anyone’s hands,” explained Turley. “They sought to deny every branch the power to govern alone.”
“Our system requires consent and compromise,” said Turley. “It goes without saying that when we are politically divided as a nation, as we are today, less things get done, but that division is no license to go it alone as the president has suggested.”
“You have only two choices in the Madisonian system,” explained Turley. “You can either seek to convince your adversaries, or you can seek to replace them.”
“You don’t get to go it alone, and there is nothing noble about circumventing the United States Congress, because it means you are circumventing the United States Constitution,” said Turley,
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“The separation of powers,” explained Turley, “is designed to protect liberty from the concentration of power.”
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Although the President has insisted that he is merely exercising executive discretion, any such discretion by definition can only occur within the scope of granted authority and only to the extent that it is not curtailed by the language of the Constitution. This includes his obligation to faithfully execute the law. U.S. Const. art. II, § 3, cl. 4. Some of the President’s actions can be viewed as within permissible lines of discretion. However, many of his actions cannot and are violations of his oath of office. That oath is not merely an affirmative pledge to defend the Constitution but to yield to its limitations on his own authority.
Liberal GW Professor: Obama Guilty of ‘Violations of His Oath of Office’
January 30, 2015 - 1:41 PM
DOJ at the Epicenter of a Constitutional Crisis
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