February 11, 2015

Feminist Aborts Child Because He is Male

There are a lot of these women in Cambridge, MA, who are hateful and hostile. They harass men due to misguided stereotyping.

[From article]
The “cause,” in her mind, is feminism. Soon after, she went to the doctor and was told that she was pregnant with a boy. Her immediate response, she writes, was “my body had betrayed me even worse than the misogynistic suit jockey on the airplane so many months before. I was in shock, I started crying, weeping at the thought of what I was about to curse the world with.”
Over the course of several days, she decided that she could not bring another male into this world. She explains, “I couldn’t bring another monster into the world. We already have enough enemies as it is.
“I knew what I had to do,” she adds.
Lana writes that she has no regrets for what she did and was “happy” that she did something “positive,” explaining, “It went off without a hitch. My body’s betrayal was no more, I was free, and for the first time since the airplane incident, I felt strong. I had done something positive, something that would actually make a difference, something good, even though as I would find out, many others wouldn’t see it that way.”
She continues later, “I stand by my decision to abort my baby because it was a male.” And if she is ever pregnant with a boy once more, “I would do the exact same thing all over again.”


Feminist Aborts Son because he was a Boy; “I Couldn’t Bring Another Monster into the World”
by Aurelius
February 7, 2015

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