February 11, 2015

British Jews Leaving UK Due to Increasing Anti Semitism

[From article]
It may sound dramatic – incomprehensible, even. But the family, who are Jewish, no longer feel safe in this country. They believe they have no choice.
“It’s a terrible wrench,” says Honey, who admits that even emptying a single drawer “takes hours” as, bit by bit, she packs away the pieces of their life, ready for transit to their new home in the US state of Arizona.
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The actress Maureen Lipman recently revealed that she, too, is considering leaving the UK because of the rising number of attacks on Jews.
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Then, yesterday, annual figures from the Community Security Trust (CST), which monitors anti-Semitism in Britain, showed a record number of anti‑Semitic incidents in 2014 (1,168 incidents were recorded, more than double the 535 incidents logged in 2013).
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Our local Jewish schools look like prison camps. They’re surrounded by wire fences. There are guards on patrol, some with dogs. On Saturdays, you see police walking the street with members of the CST. I don’t want to sit at home panicking when my husband goes to the synagogue. I just want to live in peace.”
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He praises the Government’s response to the problem, but doubts its ability to stop it.
But how does a family like the Goulds start a new life where they know almost no one? (Honey has a grandmother in California, but the family will be living many hundreds of miles away from her.) One wonders why they don’t make Israel their home. Instead, they are relocating to Scottsdale in the Arizona state capital of Phoenix. Home to more than 100,000 Jews, it is a community they believe is large enough for them to feel comfortable in.


'We’re leaving Britain - Jews aren’t safe here any more’
After watching the rise in anti-Semitism in this country, the Gould family has taken the radical decision to emigrate to America. They tell Angela Epstein why
By Angela Epstein
7:05AM GMT 06 Feb 2015

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