February 3, 2015

Americans Distrust Federal Government, Ready For Revolution?

[From article]
Americans view the federal government as dreadful.
Americans are more dissatisfied with federal government services than at any time since this survey began. The survey also found that in three of the four aspects of service – “process,” “information,” and “customer services” – satisfaction with the federal government was at the lowest level ever.[. . .]
There are two levels of “government” service tested, “federal government” and “local and federal government,” and “federal” is viewed as worse than “state and local” government services. Even when the federal government is broken down by agency – Defense, Agriculture, Treasury, etc. – not a single federal agency is as high as the aggregate average for private and public institutions.
[. . .]
Gallup showed that trust in the executive branch was not at the lowest level ever (that nadir was reached when Nixon resigned forty years ago), but this confidence was still near its lowest. Trust in the legislative branch is at the lowest level ever as well, as is trust in the judicial branch.
This is a problem of trust not in government generally, but in the federal government specifically.[. . .]
People correctly see the federal government, which lives in the Never-Never Land of Washington, as about as close to America generally as London was to the colonies in 1775.
There are seeds of a peaceful and constitutional revolution.


February 3, 2015
Americans and Washington
By Bruce Walker

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