February 3, 2015

White House Misguided Foreign Policy

[From article]
But here is Foreign Policy on Obama's "pivoting to Iran."
Iran is now going nuclear, courtesy of Barack Hussein Obama.
But wait! Our good friend Recip Erdoğan of Turkey, "Obama's best friend in the Middle East" is now supporting ISIS – the worst mass murdering would-be regime on the Sunni side of the street.
[. . .]
In a sane world, this man should be on our terrorist suspect list, but instead he is "advising" our Department of Homeland Security.
[. . .]
Muslim Brotherhood money goes to the Clintons, the Carters, and the Obamas, and they all give real value for that money.)
[. . .]
The Muslim Brotherhood assassinated President Anwar Sadat of Egypt forty years ago for making peace with Israel. After Obama pressured Egypt's longest-lasting peace-keeping president, Hosni Mubarak, into leaving office, at the beginning of the completely fraudulent "Arab Spring," a Muslim Brotherhood thug was "elected" president and started to purge the judiciary and military in Egypt.
Egypt's political elites revolted, and with the help of Saudi Arabia, they overthrew the Islamic fascists in favor of General El Sisi.
[. . .]
The Islamic "Republic" is a war theocracy, and its aims are always conquest of the infidels and the apostates. To Iran, Saudi Arabia is worse than Israel and the West, since the Sunni Muslims abandoned the true way of Allah.
(Naturally, ISIS and the Saudis say the same thing about the Iranians.)


February 2, 2015
Obama Is Openly Colluding with the Enemy
By James Lewis

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