February 3, 2015

US State Department Lied About Meeting With Muslim Brotherhood

[From article]
The State Department admitted on Monday that it misled reporters about a recent delegation of Muslim Brotherhood leaders and allies who were hosted for a meeting with officials at Foggy Bottom.
State Department spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki claimed last week that the controversial delegation of key Brotherhood leaders and allies had been “organized and funded by Georgetown University.”
However, the university denied this is the case when reached by the Washington Free Beacon.
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The Muslim Brotherhood is the central Sunni coordinating mission for jihad, the conquest and subjugation of the world to the dictates of sharia law, and the supremacy of Muslims over infidels. The Egyptian government has identified the MB as a terrorist organization.
Egyptian government officials expressed anger at the Obama administration for hosting representatives of a group they consider to be terrorists.
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The Obama administration has pursued a pro-MB policy ever since the president invited MB members to his historic Cairo speech, in which he apologized for America to the Muslim world. However, the Egyptians, who experienced and rejected Muslim Brotherhood rule, are appalled.
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Just days after the Brotherhood-aligned delegation was hosted at the State Department, the Islamist organization released a statement calling for “a long, uncompromising jihad.”


February 3, 2015
State Department admits it lied about Muslim Brotherhood visit
By Thomas Lifson

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