February 1, 2015

Updated: Black New York Times Columnist Complains About Campus Police Stopping His Son At Yale; Omits Fact That Officer Is Black, As Well As Police Chief

Posted January 29, 2015 9:23 PM ET; Last updated February 1, 2015 8:23 PM ET

[From article]
Frankly, I've never been able to read anything from Mr. Blow again. He is a racialist, a man obsessed with skin color rather than what people have to say. Mr. Blow is Exhibit A in the corrupt relationship between the race hustlers and the Democratic Party!
[. . .]
So he wrote a story about his son being stopped by a police officer. It was "the Blow version" of the Michael Brown story. However, Mr. Blow omitted a few facts and now looks even more foolish than ever.
The NY Post has the details:
[. . .]
Yet in his entire 867-word piece, and in all his tweets, Blow omitted a key fact: The officer who drew his gun is also black.
OK, maybe Blow didn’t think this was relevant -- black cops can be biased, too. But why not let readers decide for themselves?
There were other omissions and distortions.
Yale’s police chief, for example, is also black.
And while Blow did concede his son was stopped because cops were responding to a call about a burglary suspect who fit Tahj’s description, a Yale official says Blow’s claim that his son was “accosted” is “deeply inaccurate.”
[. . .]
In the meantime, let me remind you of a lesson I learned in 2010: Charles Blow is full of crap and a lot more! My guess is that the NY Times will keep relying on his "racialist view" of the world!


January 30, 2015
Charles Blow of the NYT blew this one big time
By Silvio Canto, Jr.
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You won’t believe the one important detail Charles Blow left out of his report on Yale police detaining his son
Posted at 9:50 am on January 29, 2015
by Twitchy Staff

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NY Times writer Charles Blow ‘fuming’ that Yale police stopped his son ‘at gunpoint’
Posted at 9:26 pm on January 25, 2015
by Twitchy Staff

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[From article]
First on Twitter and then in The New York Times, black columnist Charles Blow raged against a policeman at Yale questioning at gunpoint his son Tahj – who attends Yale. But Blow never mentioned in all this fuss that the cop was also a black man. Wouldn’t that fact matter as you tell this tale as some sort of racist horror story? Eddie Scarry at The Washington Examiner reports “Blow did not return a request for comment on why he omitted the race of the officer in his column or whether the race of the officer matters.”
[. . .]
The black website The Root reported Yale officials put out a campus-wide e-mail announcing the police officer was black. Yale’s president, dean and (black) police chief announced:


Race Matters: NY Times Columnist Charles Blow Omits His Son Detained by (Black) Cop at Yale
By Tim Graham
January 28, 2015 | 8:53 AM EST

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