January 3, 2015

Holiday Publishing Schedule Winter 2014-2015

Please take notice that during the winter holiday period, from December 18, 2014 until January 2, 2015, due to circumstances beyond my control, publishing will be sporadic. A regular schedule will resume as soon as possible. Currently four crime families and their government associates conduct a brutal harassment campaign continuing previous 44 years of the same. One favorite element is denying my existence. They say, "He's not real." They refer to me as "it" dehumanizing me. That keeps away professionals who might stop the abuses, and allows limitless harms.  Thank you for your attention.

Santa Claus brought me a treat. A new lesbian to harass me. This one I think is from the midwestern outfit. Like the previous lesbians she too appears to work for a police agency and the crime organization which pays her to harass me. She is the kind of person who starts wars and who give police a bad name. A better gift was a piece of coal.

Merry Christmas!

Happy Chanukkah!

Happy New Year!

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