February 1, 2015

White House Concerned With Netanyahu's Visit, Without Its Permission

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

[From article]
History, as Mark Twain noted, doesn’t repeat itself, but it rhymes.
[. . .]
Normally, Netanyahu wouldn’t have the slightest problem on Capitol Hill, overwhelmingly supportive of the Israeli cause. Assuming the address goes ahead, it would be his third to Congress. On his last one, in May 2011, he received 29 standing ovations.
This time, however, the usual routine may not apply. Netanyahu will calculate that the dust will settle and the relationship will continue as always. And he’s right; the symmetry of interests between Israel and the US are too compelling, the ties too instinctive.


Sunday 1 February 2015
The open loathing between Barack Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu just got worse
The Israeli PM's relationship with the Obama has always been chilly, but going over the President's head on Iran will do him no favours.

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