February 12, 2015

Voters and Taxpayers, Versus Elites and Campaign Contributors on Immigration

[From article]
It’s almost refreshing that Jeb doesn’t even bother to lie. To the contrary, he’s remarkably frank about his intention to pass amnesty, calling illegal immigration “an act of love.” Well, sure — in the sense that someone’s getting screwed.
I wonder if amnesty operates as a magnet for illegal immigrants … hey, does anyone know if there have there been any measles outbreaks lately? But I’m sure Jenny McCarthy is responsible for the nonstop viral outbreaks in the U.S. since 90,000 poverty-stricken, unvaccinated Central American kids poured across our border last year. Polio will be next.
Recently, ICE agents in Michigan captured a major Mexican drug dealer. They knew he was here illegally, but every time they asked him his immigration status, all he said was: “Obama.”
You know what’s an even bigger magnet for illegals than a politician’s promise to pass amnesty in the future? Governors offering them driver’s licenses and in-state tuition right now.
[. . .]
Romney’s response: “I think if you’re opposed to illegal immigration, it doesn’t mean that you don’t have a heart. It means that you have a heart and a brain.”)
[. . .]
the media hate Republicans who push ideas that are wildly popular with voters.
As governor of Massachusetts, Romney repeatedly vetoed bills giving illegal aliens in-state tuition. He also vetoed a bill to extend health coverage to illegal aliens. And he made clear he would veto any bill allowing driver’s licenses for illegal aliens, so those never made it to his desk.


Three generations of imbeciles are enough

Wednesday Feb 4, 2015 8:56 PM

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