February 12, 2015

Progressive Before His Time, Book Review

[From book review]
The magnificent new book “Hollywood Traitors” by Allan Ryskind, son of Hollywood royalty (Marx Brothers screenwriter Morrie Ryskind), has been published just in time for the release of “Trumbo,” in which Bryan Cranston will portray Hitler apologist Dalton Trumbo as a hero.
I’m guessing the movie skips over Trumbo’s aggressive efforts to prevent America from joining the fight against Hitler. To that end, Trumbo wrote two of the most ghastly anti-war films ever made, “Johnny Got His Gun,” released as a novel in 1939, and “The Remarkable Andrew,” published in 1941.
[. . .]
To place this in context for Hollywood half-brights, in 1938 Hitler invaded Austria and seized the Sudetenland — sweeping through the rest of Czechoslovakia the following year. On Sept. 1, 1939, the Fuhrer invaded Poland, finally forcing France and England to go to war with Germany.
As Ryskind notes in his magnificent insider’s account of such monstrous treacheries as Trumbo’s, by 1939, Hitler’s persecution of the Jews was not a secret. He had attempted to exclude Jews and blacks from the 1936 Olympics. Jews had been banned from government, journalism, farming, teaching and the theater, among other professions in Germany. They were prohibited from purchasing most food or medicine. In 1938, the Gestapo staged Kristallnacht, looting and burning thousands of Jewish businesses across Germany, incinerating about a thousand synagogues and murdering scores of Jews.
(And remember: This was before the U.N. came along and made Jew-hating a legitimate foreign policy.)


Bryan Cranston: From meth cook to Hitler apologist
Thursday Feb 12, 2015 9:47 AM

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