February 7, 2015

Palestinian Muslims Harass Israeli Jews As They Pray

Jewish man on the Temple Mount
Flash 90

[From article]
“Muslim supremacists who dominate the Temple Mount” have come up with a new weapon against Jewish visits to the Mount – in the form of young girls.
"Their latest gambit, paying men and women to inhabit the Temple Mount during the hours that it is open to Jews and follow the Jewish worshipers every where they go on the Temple Mount, screaming curses and allahu akbars at the top of their lungs, got a flat tire when the Israel police and security services shut down the organizations which were funneling the money from Hamas to the agitators,” explained the Institute.
"The newest Islamic projectile aimed at the heart of Jewish worshipers on the Temple Mount is little girls. Young, pre-pubescent girls can now be found aplenty on the Temple Mount. Because they are Muslim, young and female, the Israel police won't touch them. The young girls, following the instruction and encouragement of their elders, feel free to leap in front of Jewish worshipers, screaming in their high pitched voices 'allahu akbar,' 'the Jews are dogs,'
[. . .]
“Sometimes the little angels get so wrapped up in their game of 'harass the Jews' that they even begin pushing the Jewish worshipers.
“What is a self respecting, dignified human being to do in response?,” asks the Institute. “Push the little things back? Pull on their pony tails? A group of six Jewish worshipers [Sunday] did what they thought was the responsible and appropriate thing to do: They called on the police to intervene. The police did, arresting the Jews and holding them in custody for more than 24 hours.


Waqf's New Weapon: Screaming Girls
Young girls leap in front of Jewish worshipers, screaming 'allahu akbar,' 'the Jews are dogs.' Video shows Waqf man's lewd gestures.
By Gil Ronen
First Publish: 2/3/2015, 12:24 PM

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