February 8, 2015

NBC News Anchor Earns $10 million A Year, And Exaggerates The News

Brian Williams, up to his neck in dysentery-contaminated water as the corpses go floating by
[From article]
Next to the Iranian nuclear program or Putin's neo-Soviet expansionism, the question of whether NBC News "managing editor" Brian Williams is a self-aggrandizing liar or a mentally ill fantasist is a relatively minor matter, notwithstanding that he is the very embodiment of the strange antiquated assumptions of network news - that because a chap looks like a 1950s department-store mannequin he's your go-to guy for economic analysis and foreign policy.
As to the subject at issue, my general view of "personal stories" (including my own) was summed up by Mel Brooks on stage a few decades back reminiscing about his life. After one especially uproarious anecdote, he said, "I swear every word is true. Well, no. The mildly funny stuff is true. The mezzo-mezzo stuff is mostly true. But the really funny stuff is entirely invented." That formula applies to the dramatic stuff, too. As you tell a story over the years, as Brian Williams did with his RPG-hit-chopper shtick, it gets too honed, too sharp.
[. . .]
We're told NBC News execs disliked Williams' "version" of events and never permitted it on their own airwaves. Yet one week ago he told NBC viewers:
The helicopter we were traveling in was forced down after being hit by an RPG.
Assuredly there's been some turnover in NBC News since 2003. So maybe nobody working on the program now was working on it then.
[. . .]
Yet today Brian Williams' survival is the way to bet - because the obsolete format of Big Three "network news" is a dinner-theatre exercise that now bears so little relation to real news that Williams' ability to project the aura of authority and integrity trumps the reality that he doesn't actually have any. If you get your news from old-school "network news", you're not actually getting any news, you're watching a guy 'cause he has great hair. So getting it from a delusional narcissist is only taking it to the next level.


The Life of Brian
by Mark Steyn
Steyn on America
February 6, 2015

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Tanned, rested and ready: Just imagine the social media outreach possibilities, NBC!

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