February 3, 2015

Few Young Voters Know Either US Senator From Their State

[From article]
For one thing, they say they’re increasingly engaged ahead of the all-important election — but it’s also clear they’re not very well-informed. And they think government can help them, particularly in an area where they’ve struggled to get ahead — in their jobs.
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According to the survey, 49 percent say they are politically unaffiliated — including a majority (58 percent) of young Latino voters, half of young male voters, and half of the 25-29-aged voters in the sample.
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77 percent of 18- to 34-year-olds in the new survey could not name even one US senator in their home state.
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The finding provides fodder for the suggestion that millennials are relatively uninformed political citizens.
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Where millennials differ from the rest of the American population, however, is in their view that, overall, government is generally good.


Young people will hit the polls in 2016, and they want Hillary
by Brett LoGiurato
February 3, 2015

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