February 6, 2015

BMW Testing See Through Car Glasses

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BMW has found a solution to the perils of parallel parking that could have been lifted from a 1950s joke shop: X-ray specs.
The Germany-based carmaker is joining the ranks of Google and Microsoft by launching a pair of augmented reality glasses that will allow drivers to see “through” the car when parking.
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The German carmaker has been developing the glasses at its research and development laboratory in the heart of Silicon Valley, according to three people familiar with the company’s plans, and will demonstrate the technology at the Shanghai motor show in April.
Details of the new product are limited, but the goggles are expected to include real-time information from the car such as speed. They are also expected to offer car-sharing information and public transport updates, suggesting that they are intended to be worn outside the car as well.


February 6, 2015 6:06 pm
BMW sees future through X-ray specs
Andy Sharman in Mountain View, California

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