August 14, 2015

Misguided Equality Of Outcome Destroying The United States

[From article]
Radical egalitarianism asserts that people of different backgrounds possess equal ability and in an ideal world, there should be no differences in accomplishment. And if such variations exist, they, almost by definition, result from discrimination, racism, stereotypes, and similarly reversible evils. Thus, the medical staff at a top hospital is supposed to look like a cross section of America and, since this Utopian outcome rarely occurs, it is up to a coercive government to bring it about.
The bad news is that radical egalitarianism is metastasizing and the damage inflicted far outweighs anything the 17 GOP candidates mention, including Trump’s horror stories of criminal illegals.
Radical egalitarianism is easily detected. As Soviet apparatchiks had their specialized vocabulary (e.g., false consciousness) American egalitarians have theirs. Be on the lookout for gaps, as in the gap between whites and blacks in home ownership. Then there are ceilings, the most famous being the glass ceiling that prevents women from occupying the top rungs of industry. Add tests to sort out abilities that egalitarians denounce as “barriers” as if testing for physical strength is a ruse to hinder women from becoming firefighters. But, of all the tip-off words, the most revealing is diversity as in “diversity is our strength,” a sure sign that racial/gender quotas are on the way.
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Moreover, classes for the gifted have been cut altogether or dumbed down to achieve “fairness.” And let’s not forget hiring teachers and administrators according to race or ethnicity versus ability since “everybody knows” that youngsters perform best when teachers mirror the local community.
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Millions are thus spent on remediation, creating faux academic programs such as Black Studies and recruiting parasitic administrators (and their staffs) with title such as Chief Diversity Officer.
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While our Chinese rivals are working 24/7 on cutting edge chip technology, American high-tech executives struggle to promote fairness and inclusion.
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Perhaps one of these 17 GOP contenders, sensing that his campaign is doomed, will out of desperation finally bell the cat and thus force the others to confront the real threat facing America.

August 12, 2015
Radical Egalitarianism Is the Real Threat
By Robert Weissberg

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