February 13, 2015

German Anti Semitism Commission Without Jews, Who Flee Europe

[From article]
If you ignore the cringe-worthy opening line of this article from the Pew Research Center – the Holocaust did far worse than “decimate” Europe’s Jewish population – you will find some interesting facts. In a nutshell, Europe’s Jewish population continues to decline. There are now approximately 1.4 million Jews living in Europe, compared to 9.5 million in 1939. Only 10 percent of the world’s Jews now live in Europe, and a mere 0.2 percent of Europeans are Jewish.
And apparently, Europe’s Jewish population will only continue to decline. Thousands of French Jews, for example, are emigrating each year, most commonly to Israel.
A Europe without Jews would be almost without precedent; the continent has played host to Jewish communities for millennia. It would also be an immeasurably poorer place, in myriad ways. We’re talking about the culture that produced Kafka, Freud, and Stefan Zweig – in addition to the bagel.


Europe’s Jewish Population Continues to Plummet
A mere 0.2 percent of Europeans are Jewish.
9:01 AM, FEB 10, 2015

* * *

[From article]
Julius Schoeps from the Moses Mendelssohn Center for European-Jewish Studies on Tuesday called it "a unique scandal" that the Interior Ministry did not include any Jewish scientists or community leaders on the commission it created to fight anti-Semitism and support Jewish life in Germany.
Anetta Kahane from the Amadeu Antonio Foundation against anti-Semitism says: "Nobody would even think of creating a conference on hatred of Islam without Muslims or a round table on the discrimination of women without women."


Jewish groups slam German government for creating anti-Semitism commission without Jews
Published February 10, 2015

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