May 20, 2014

Drug Corporations Join Police Creating Rules To Take Freedom

This unidentified press release, likely a product of police PR flacks and a lobbyist for drug corporations announces new rules for taking the freedom of vulnerable persons. (no byline, "Cambridge Police begin new training for mental health responses," May 20, 2014, CAMBRIDGE Chronicle) NAMI promotes a deceptive image as being a civil rights advocate for mental patients. Formed as a parents organization it morphed into a lobbyist funded by drug corporations ($11 million or more each year from drug companies) to promote drug treatment. Here is an example of how thoroughly drug corporate interests control treatment and incarceration of troubled individuals. Notice there is no mention of any disability advocates to protect the rights of vulnerable citizens. None of the many taxpayer funded agencies with well paid attorneys contributed to the creation of this protocol for taking the freedom of citizens. There are no assurances of the Right to Due Process as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. It is one more example of how unelected corporate lobbyists make policy, and run government agencies, now police agencies too, who can take freedom and life with no accountability. It is one more dangerous step in the elimination of freedom in this country. The Nazi doctors and Stalin's psychiatrists extensively used psychiatry to silence dissent and criticism, and to incarcerate political activists. Due to dumbed down journalists and the general population the image psychiatrists in America have, is that their genes have been cleansed of mendacity, greed and sadism. They show contempt for laws which regulate their behavior, and abuse humans as control freaks with limitless power, while they speak of love for their vulnerable clients. The state legislature writes laws determining when and how police can take the freedom of civilians. This is a dangerous effort in the name of good.  It needs scrutiny by disability rights attorneys. 

[From article]
Funded through a grant from the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health, police departments in Cambridge and Somerville, working with the National Alliance on Mental Illness, developed the CIT-TTAC regional program to provide 40 hours of CIT training for police officers, while fostering partnerships between law enforcement and community human services providers, to improve law enforcement response to people with mental illness.
[. . .]
"We laud the Department of Mental Health and our partners — the Cambridge and Somerville Police departments — for their leadership and for serving as a model for communities across the commonwealth," said June Binney, director of the NAMI Mass Criminal Justice Program.

Cambridge Police begin new training for mental health responses
Posted May. 20, 2014 @ 12:13 pm

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