May 6, 2014

Why Not Impose Mexican Immigration Standards In U.S.?

[From article]
So Mexico would object vehemently if U.S. immigration enforcement were to mirror Mexico's own tough immigration laws, which demand strict border enforcement and prohibit unlawful residence or employment within Mexico.
[. . .]
Instead, "comprehensive immigration reform" is shaping up as little more than another divisive campaign opportunity in 2014 to call opponents all sorts of names rather than to seek real compromise.
Too many special interests have profited from the present mess, which is illiberal and reactionary to the core -- involving a perfect storm of inexpensive labor, ethnic-identity chauvinism, political cynicism, selective enforcement of the law, and de facto discrimination against immigrants who play by the rules.

Jewish World Review
April 17, 2014 / 17 Nissan, 5774
Who are the real saboteurs of immigration reform?
By Victor Davis Hanson

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