February 11, 2016

Protest Voters May Forget Abuses of Big Government

[From article]
The willingness to break with long-standing political norms isn’t surprising, considering voter anger, pessimism and spiking anxieties. Recent surveys of Americans show that overwhelming majorities believe the country is on the wrong track, the American Dream is unachievable, and our powerful, unaccountable government is America’s biggest threat.
Consequently, political dynasties have been rendered passe, as mega-donor darlings Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton discovered en route to their coronations. Not even their powerful super PACs (funded by unlimited individual, corporate and union support) can assure their victories.
[. . .]
Given America’s heritage and Big Government’s dismal track record, it’s stunning that Sanders and Trump — both advocates of using unprecedented government power to centrally plan and control economic life — could win New Hampshire’s “Live Free or Die” state. Have its freedom-loving voters forgotten the national purpose their state helped found: the democratic self-rule of a free people?
Hopefully, America is in revolt and casting about for outsiders not because they want more government but because of the failures of our hyper-politicized, unaccountable bureaucracy: contaminated water, terrorist attacks, dying vets, IRS harassment, illegal immigration, health care chaos and murdered U.S. diplomats and border guards.


Melanie Sturm
Think Again
February 11, 2016
Sturm: The backstory behind 2016's headlines

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