February 17, 2016

Atheists Better at Mass Murder Than God Fearing Leaders

Atheists do not believe in God. Inalienable rights come from God. Are atheists entitled to any of those rights?

[From article]
Why should the Constitution favor religious belief over unbelief -- atheism? History provides an answer. Many atheists are fond of reminding people that when it comes to crimes against humanity, Christianity has much to answer for including the Thirty Years War, the Inquisition, and involvement with slavery. But two out of three of the worst mass murderers in all of history were atheists and the third might best be described as pagan.
According to Rummel’s Death by Government, Stalin’s Union of Soviet Socialist Republics – an atheist state -- murdered about 62 million of its own people during its 75 years of existence. Between 1948 and 1976, another explicitly atheist state, Mao’s People’s Republic of China murdered 35 million of its own people primarily through deliberate starvation. The third worst mass murderer, Hitler’s Nazi Germany, killed 21 million persons.
This is not to say that every atheist is a potential mass murderer. There are ethical self-proclaimed atheists and unethical self-proclaimed Christians. But to paraphrase author and journalist Damon Runyon, mass murderers may not always be atheists, but that's the way to bet.
Why might atheists value other people’s lives less?
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But the basic equality of man is not self-evident to an atheist who depends only on personal observation or scientific enquiry to discover truth.
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It seems a small step from the scientific observation that people differ in key aspects to the conclusion that some people, who we think are ignorant, malicious, or self-centered, should not be trusted with positions of leadership, influence, or even the right to vote. Based on personal observation, might one conclude that some people have value and others do not?
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It is insufficient to simply know what is right -- most of us must be motivated to do what is right.
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The Soviet Union’s Stalin and China’s Mao didn’t murder tens of millions by themselves; they required hundreds of thousands or millions of ordinary people to assist in committing their horrible crimes. And if most of the population were atheists then this facilitated recruiting participants in their mass murders. If the police and people you respect are encouraging you to kill the villain of the hour -- whether he is called kulak, revisionist, or is a member of some racial or ethnic group -- why would an atheist hesitate?


February 17, 2016
Justice Scalia, Atheists, and Mass Murder
By Frank R. Gunter

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