February 24, 2016

Supreme Court Nominee Is A Fool's Errand

[From article]
[Marc] Thiessen asked the very cogent question, "Who could possibly want to be that nominee?" He noted that whoever it might be has already been put on notice that it is, in effect, a judicial suicide mission and likened that person to a kamikaze pilot. As soon as Thiessen spoke, I realized he had neatly and accurately encapsulated the situation facing the White House right now into two words: kamikaze mission.
[. . .]
On the other hand, if Obama puts forward a sacrificial and minimally qualified candidate who might be willing to don the silk headscarf of sacrifice and volunteer to go down in flames for fifteen minutes of footnote fame, then the Republicans can point self-righteously to those absent qualifications as sufficient reason for grimly blowing the ambitious aspirant from the skies of fleeting legal glory.
From a political history perspective, Thiessen nailed it; it's a kamikaze mission, and Barry will have to find a fool to fly it.


February 24, 2016
Barack Obama's kamikaze justice
By Russ Vaughn

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