Ugliness like beauty depends on who is doing the perceiving. For Atkins, there is not enough discussion of race. (Atkins: Black lives did not matter at the GOP debate, August 9, 2015,
Kimberly Atkins, Boston Herald) I see it every day online, in print, over radio and TV waves. The White House and the Department of Justice discuss it frequently. Obedient worshiper journalists repeat what politicians say. Black Americans work at all levels of government. There are many multi millionaire black athletes, businessmen and celebrities. Did the candidate forum moderators mention disabilities? Are persons with disabilities allowed to speak for themselves? Can they appear e.g., on taxpayer funded WGBH-TV in Boston? WGBH broadcasts a weekly show called Basic Black. Only black professionals appear as panelists discussing how white people oppress black people. Do disabled persons have a weekly show as black people do? Disabled persons are seldom permitted to appear on the air on taxpayer funded WGBH-TV. Sometimes journalists lack perspective on where they are in society. Disabled persons are still prevented from entering buildings, or riding public transportation. Few of them have jobs. They are thought of as stupid and ignorant even if they have graduate degrees. Did anyone notice their absence from the candidate forum?
[From article]
In a two-hour debate, which frankly felt much longer, only two candidates were even asked about race.
[. . .]
Meanwhile, it seems like each day there is a new dash-cam video showing people of color who, unfortunately, did not dodge the bullets fired in their direction.
[. . .]
perhaps they could join in an actual discussion of the racial tensions, opportunity inequities, heavy-handed policing and race-based distrust that has become part of the American fabric. As Kelly correctly pointed out, it has been called the civil rights issue of our time.
If the candidates cared a little more, maybe we’d even get some solutions.
[. . .]
But for Republicans, it seems more politically expedient to ignore ongoing race-based struggles.
If only black America had that luxury.
Atkins: Black lives did not matter at the GOP debate
Sunday, August 9, 2015
By: Kimberly Atkins
Boston Herald
* * *
Nor did the founding fathers expect to find journalists who censor offensive speech. The purpose of the First Amendment was to protect speech you hate. Journalists seem to have forgotten that. Especially offensive was the focus by Megyn Kelly, a moderator, who used her position to attack rather than to provide a forum for voters to hear the candidates.
[From article]
Indeed, what does appearing presidential mean today?
What does public service mean today?
“Our founding fathers were farmers, professional men, businessmen giving of their time and effort to an idea that became a country,” Ronald Reagan noted. “They could not have foreseen a nation governed by professional politicians who had an interest in getting re-elected. They probably envisioned a fellow serving a couple hitches and then eagerly looking forward to getting back to the farm.”
Fitzgerald: Fiorina, Carson brought civility to GOP food fight
Saturday, August 8, 2015
By: Joe Fitzgerald
Boston Herald
* * *
Here's another journalist who appears to have forgotten what the First Amendment is all about. Especially at a political debate. The main purpose was to protect hated political speech. Dumbed down nation was extended to professional journalists.
[From article]
In a response that could only have been outdone in its inappropriateness by Trump unfurling a Confederate flag tablecloth
Shattuck: Front-running Trump is playing by his own rules
Saturday, August 8, 2015
By: Tom Shattuck
Boston Herald
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