November 2, 2014

Misguided Priorities Among Liberal Activsits

[From article]
the president has chosen Ron Klain to be the Ebola czar. Because for Obama the best man for the job is always a political fixer.
[. . .]
With Obama, we are spared the amazement. He spends all his time doing politics, raising money and dividing people, and sensibly resting up on the golf course in between his exhausting fund-raising gigs. To hell with governing.
It's not surprising that this average product of an Ivy League education thinks and acts this way. The whole culture of the modern university confirms the president in his worldview.
[. . .]
A universal feature of this activism culture is that after the activist has provoked the local mob into burning down the local economy, after he's bonked the local babes, after he's ginned up a local civil war, then he heads out of town, off to his next activism gig, leaving the local community in ruins.
[. . .]
In practice, activism means the graduates of our secular seminaries, the little darlings of the ruling class, going out and demonstrating on behalf of other little darlings of the ruling class: African Americans, Hispanics, Moslems, women, and gays. They call it speaking truth to power.
[. . .]
Let's give the liberal activist enforcers of the ruling class a name that tells our fellow Americans who they really are: “liberal fascists.”

October 21, 2014
This is What You Get When You Reduce Everything to 'Activism'
By Christopher Chantrill

* * *

Here's an example of how these fascist victims operate.

October 20, 2014
This Lesbian's Daughter Has Had Enough
By Rivka Edelman

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