November 24, 2014

Crime Families Hack Into Corporate Computers; DHS Wants To Destroy Surveillance Files

Government officials deny surveillance of civilians. They call a black Florida lawyer crazy, then shoot him dead because he believed he was being followed. Is there anything that government officials say that is true?

[From article]
criminals are now also hacking industrial control systems for financial gain.
Organised criminals tapping into the networks that run industrial companies, alongside the development of the latest online snooping worm, are signs of the increasingly sophisticated nature of cyber attacks.

November 23, 2014 6:29 pm
World’s most advanced hacking spyware let loose
Sam Jones in Vienna and Hannah Kuchler in San Francisco

* * *

[From article]
The Department of Homeland Security is poised to ditch all records from a controversial network monitoring system called Einstein that are at least three years old, but not for security reasons.
DHS reasons the files -- which include data about traffic to government websites, agency network intrusions and general vulnerabilities -- have no research significance.
But some security experts say, to the contrary, DHS would be deleting a treasure chest of historical threat data. And privacy experts, who wish the metadata wasn’t collected at all, say destroying it could eliminate evidence that the governmentwide surveillance system does not perform as intended.

By Aliya Sternstein
November 23, 2014

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! Clif High's Web Bot report actually predicted this in July 2014 that this would happen!! See:

We must find a way to not let this SHREDDING PARTY happen! There is definitely something in those mountain of documents that incriminates someone or some agency of serious wrongdoing!
If anyone is familiar with maybe there might be a new bill in there by the ACLU to stop this!
There will be a time when people may glance back only to ask; Why didn't anyone stop this? Have we not learned any valuable lessons from the Lehman Brothers?