November 24, 2014

Lawyers Hide While Government Officials Destroy Constitution

[From article]
Have the faculties of the universities become so politicized that they can not register a dissent?  What do they believe in and more importantly, what do they fear?
I guess we are to believe that the President's opinion on executive powers evolved, just like his position on gay marriage.  And, we are also led to the conclusion that because his opinion evolved, the world has changed with the divine evolution of his thoughts.
[. . .]

Perhaps the Jonathan Gruber assessment of the “American voter” extends all the way to the Law Departments of this nation’s once great universities.  Just as the Marquette professor told his student, “If you don’t believe in gay marriage you should drop my class," perhaps if you, as a professor or a student, point out the idiocy of the President’s train of thought and his flip flop on Constitutional powers you should change your major or career.

November 23, 2014
Where are the Law Departments of the 'great' Universities?
By James Longstreet

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