September 22, 2014

College Rape Epidemic Is Fantasy, Feminist Propaganda

[From article]
President Obama repeated the endlessly reiterated but thoroughly debunked claim that one in five women will be sexually assaulted in her college years.
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sexual assault has been cut by nearly two-thirds since 1995. Under the Bureau of Justice Statistics’ apples-to-apples year-over-year comparison, sexual assault has declined 64 percent since the Clinton years.
[. . .]
The fictitious rape epidemic is necessary to support the fiction of “rape culture,” by which feminists mean anything other than an actual rape culture, for example the culture of the Pakistani immigrant community in Rotherham in the United Kingdom.
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Feminism is about political power, [. . .] dominated by a very small band of narrow ideologues [. . .] each of whom in her way equated political opposition to feminism with rape.
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But if your interest were in making opposition to feminist political priorities a quasi-criminal offense and using the horrific crime of rape as a cultural and political cudgel, then you’d be doing about what we’re doing right now.

SEPTEMBER 21, 2014 4:00 AM
The Rape Epidemic Is a Fiction
Sexual assaults today are a third of what they were twenty years ago.
By Kevin D. Williamson

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