September 18, 2014

Denise Brown: Pistorius, Ray Rice, More O.J. Simpson

[From article]
The Ray Rice case reflects our misunderstanding of what domestic violence is, and the Oscar Pistorius case reminds me so much of what happened to Nicole: victims defending their partners, and batterers blaming the victim.
What is most chilling to me about what I have seen in the coverage of Ray Rice is that he has not atoned for his actions; he seems more concerned with how he is now viewed. And it’s Janay Palmer who is apologizing for her part of being knocked out cold. This is a dangerous dynamic.
[. . .]
Domestic violence is about one human being needing to control another. It’s not about love. Without comprehensive education for both the perpetrator and victim, what I have learned is that if it happens once, it will happen again, and it can escalate until the victim gets killed. Both individuals need counseling and education to understand these dynamics. The victim needs to understand that nothing she has said or done warrants being assaulted or verbally abused. The perpetrator needs to understand that there are no justifications—ever, ever, ever—to assault his partner physically or emotionally.

Nicole Brown’s Sister: Pistorius Is Another O.J.
Denise Brown
8:01 AM ET

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