April 5, 2013

NH Police Chief Asked Woman To Pose Nude for Dismissal of Charges

David Seastrand, former Police Chief of New London NH

Here is one more example of misguided public safety priorities. A police chief no less. My idea of applying the broken windows theory of policing to public officials may reduce corruption. Was this the first unusual act by this police officer? In any case no one was watching him closely. No other police agency, no FBI, no crime families and no Communists. But in next door Massachusetts in the host city of Harvard University, MIT and Lesley University local police, Communists, and assorted other sociopaths conduct 24/7 surveillance, sleep disturbances every day, character assassination, threats, ridicule, humiliation, criminal harassment of a 70-year-old white male who is not wanted for any offense. He was never charged with any beyond a police frame-up in 1990 in the same city on behalf of a crime family. I never knew that police, lawyers and courts were for hire by crime families. But in 1995 it was revealed that the Boston FBI was not only conducting homicides of law abiding citizens they also orchestrated a frame-up for murder of four white men in Boston. So the government at least in Massachusetts is totally for sale: legislative, executive and the courts. What a great state. Keep in mind that the economy of MA is dominated by education and Harvard dominates education. There are six law schools in Boston and Cambridge, two journalism schools, and five schools of government. What are they teaching there?  Who sets public safety priorities? 

[From article]

Attorney General Michael Delaney said Police Chief David Seastrand resigned his position and permanently relinquished his certification as a police officer.
"Having the chief removed immediately and ensured that he was never going to be a police officer again was a swift and reasonable resolution based on all the facts," said New Hampshire Associate Attorney General Jane Young.
What prevents him from re-applying later? Or from taking a position as Chief of a university police department? 

[From article]
Delaney said that as part of a negotiated disposition, the investigation will be concluded, and no criminal charges will be brought against Seastrand. No Criminal charges?
When ordinary civilians are charged with a crime and lose their jobs being held before trial, they are treated more harshly than police officers. Is that one reason why crime families have more credibility than government officials?


Police chief accused of asking to take nude photos of suspect
AG says New London chief agrees to resign, relinquish police certification
UPDATED 12:27 AM EDT Apr 05, 2013

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