April 5, 2013

Cambridge Resident Knows the Future

[An edited version of this letter was published online at the Cambridge Chronicle April 9, 2013


James Recht, MD, Harvard Medical School

Cambridge letter writer supports the City Council effort for the City pension fund to get "rid of stocks, bonds or investment funds that are unethical or that pose a threat to the health of ones community." He adds, "Fossil fuel investments are both." (James Recht, Letter, "Cambridge should end its fossil fuel investments, " Cambridge Chronicle, Apr 04, 2013) He provides no evidence of his claims beyond one article in Nature Magazine regarding global warming. The letter exhibits certainty of a zealot, not saying that the writer is one. The notion of ethics can be argued with less certainty against divestment. Most remarkable is his claim about the future worth of stocks and bonds of energy companies, citing one article. How does he know this? I thought only psychiatrists could predict the future.This citizen lacks understanding of how the City government works. The only power the City Council has is to hire and to fire the City Manager. Everything else is his only to decide allegedly based on law and the Constitution. With seven councilors supporting the City Manager at present it is unlikely that the Manager will do more than pretend to listen to the Council each week for their weekly TV performances.  


LETTER: Cambridge should end its fossil fuel investments
Cambridge Chronicle
Posted Apr 04, 2013 @ 03:02 PM
James Recht, Walden Street

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