April 1, 2013

Cable TV Nazi: No Broadcast For You

Marjorie Decker, Cambridge City Councilor, State Representative

Marjorie Decker revealed the hypocrisy and shamelessness of politicians, saying, "as part of the council’s policy, roundtables are not televised — and changing that would prevent a “frank and open” conversation." ("Roundtable should have been televised," Editorial, Cambridge Chronicle, Apr 01, 2013) It's not her first admission that she says one thing when the TV cameras are rolling, and another when they are not. 

It's a timeless problem with politicians. They are captured on video saying one thing and doing another, while exhibiting no shame for their dissembling speech. It takes a special kind of person to be a politician. Judges do not allow parties to speak freely during trial proceedings. Lawyers must speak for them. Lawyers are permitted to say things that ordinary people would consider lies. But in the courts it is called "puffing." Elected officials call it being frank or not being able to be. 

The editors' arguments fall on deaf ears. The Council and the City Manager act without concern for public opinion. The Manager needs and had support for 31 years, of five Councilors to maintain his position and his freedom to act without interference.  

Two cable TV providers ago there was a requirement to make city buildings cable TV ready so meetings could be broadcast live. The City always had the ability to record the meetings for later broadcast, but seldom does. The Senior Center and the new City Hall Annex with all of its LEED certifications are still not cable TV ready. The Manager did not enforce the agreement because he opposed public scrutiny. Politicians lament having to answer to anyone when they want to do a favor for a contributor or a relative. The Councilors (5 or more) support the Manager. That is why this meeting and many others, e.g., Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals are not televised. How many non Cambridge hours of TV are on the city cable TV station? Much of it is tapes from elsewhere also broadcast on CCTV.  

Cambridge has six cable TV stations (most cities have one). One more example of waste of taxpayer funds with the acquiescence of the City Council.  Noam Chomsky calls the process, "Keeping the herd bewildered." 


EDITORIAL: Roundtable should have been televised
By Staff reports
Cambridge Chronicle
Posted Apr 01, 2013 @ 04:35 PM

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