February 21, 2011

Romney Experience Inludes Killing Jobs

[From article]
"However, the former private equity firm chief's fortune -- which has funded his political ambitions from the Massachusetts statehouse to his unsuccessful run for the White House in 2008 -- was made on the backs of companies that ultimately collapsed, putting thousands of ordinary Americans out on the street. That truth if it becomes widely known could become costly to Romney, who, while making the media rounds recently, told CNN's Piers Morgan that "People in America want to know who can get 15 million people back to work," implying he was that person.

2012 Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney recently said he can put Americans back to work, but his record as a private-equity owner speaks otherwise.
2012 Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney recently said he can put Americans back to work, but his record as a private-equity owner speaks otherwise.


Romney's past is more a working class zero
New York Post
Last Updated: 5:23 AM, February 20, 2011
Posted: 10:55 PM, February 19, 2011

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