February 25, 2011

MA US Rep Calls for Getting "a little bloody."

US Rep. Capuano (D-MA) who represents Cambridge MA, host city of Harvard University and MIT calls for getting "a little bloody." Sounds about right coming from the thugocracy that runs MA. In his one-party state the official thugs overwhelm any and all criticism. Capuano thrives in this atmosphere with no opposition. MA police and the Boston FBI do favors for the elected criminal class. The courts back up these abuses of power. Criticizing criminal abuses of power in MA brings more abuses of power. They recruit thugs from outside of the state, which is what worries Wisconsin Gov. Walker. Capuano should hope that his threats are not taken seriously by the violent criminals that work for the SEIU and other unions which support Obama, Soros and their government thugs.

Photo by Stuart Cahill (file)
‘BLOOD IN THE STREETS’: Congressman Mike Capuano caught flack for invoking images of violence at a rally this week.


Democrat urges unions to 'get a little bloody when necessary'
By Michael O'Brien
The Hill
02/23/11 07:57 AM ET

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