January 24, 2011

Gov Wants to Make Private Attorneys State Employees

None of the special interests in this business dispute between attorneys recognize serious flaws in the criminal justice system. Ignore for now how prosecutors refuse to recognize truth and use every technique including but not limited to intimidation to win cases. But the lawyers for CPCS are often not only incompetent, but they abuse their clients. The alleged "bar advocates," private attorneys, are able to and do take taxpayer money to defend a client and then take money from police or other interested parties to not put on a defense. Where does a client framed by police with a lawyer who works against him go? Next the crooked lawyers and police say that the client is mentally ill. Who will listen to a client who was brutalized first by police then by the taxpayer funded system whose mission is to protect him? The MA criminal justice system is thoroughly polluted and needs bright lights shined on the part controlled by attorneys. They are not known for rectitude. The voters of this state have no will to clean up the FBI, the police or the court system. MA government degenerates into a Stalinesque system where all government mechanisms are used to silence criticism and to protect government criminals. Saying "Many defense lawyers have served in the Legislature" is enough in MA to sound the alarm and wave red flags of danger.

[From article]
"Anthony Benedetti, the agency’s chief counsel [said] “In states where the public defenders are all public, public defenders are overworked, underfunded, and provide ineffective representation.’’
[. . .]
But private lawyers, known as bar advocates, say they perform a valuable service at a low cost."


Call for public defender overhaul
Patrick seeks to end costly use of private lawyers for the indigent
By Andrea Estes
Boston Globe Staff
January 24, 2011

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