January 31, 2011

Exploiting Civil Rights For Business Purposes

Legislatures and courts are businesses run by and for politicians and lawyers. Now baseball will be a business to benefit children of civil rights leaders. What justifies "transferring" the legacies of Jackie Robinson and Dr. King, Jr. to a taxpayer subsidized for profit business? It is not only politicians that have no shame exploiting the work of good men for their own mercenary purposes.

[From article]
"It's fitting with the legacy of Jackie Robinson essentially transferring to the Mets; what better place to have African-American ownership than with the Mets," [TV executive Larry] Meli said, noting that Major League Baseball has no African-American owners.
[. . .]
"Martin Luther King Jr. died for the common man to do better in his life," [TV executive Larry] Meli said. "That sort of legacy is going to take hold here."


Martin Luther King III trying to become part owner of Mets
Kevin Kernan
New York Post
Last Updated: 11:12 AM, January 30, 2011
Posted: 12:53 AM, January 30, 2011

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