November 30, 2015

Racism Works For Homosexuals, College Administrators, Whoever Seeks Money and Power

[From article]
Yale is not a hotbed of racism. Neither is Dartmouth. Neither is Columbia. Neither is Princeton. No reasonable person of color on any of these campuses really believes that he suffers interminable racial discrimination sanctioned by such institutions. The best inducement to cathartic rage the Ivy Leaguers can find is strips of black electric tape on some old portraits (unclear whether it's a hoax)
[. . .]
there is not a climate of bigotry poisoning the air at the University of Missouri. That's where a gay black student council president and a hunger striker with a multi-millionaire father teamed up to get a few people fired and a whole country obsessed with their campus until Paris fell apart on international TV. The high point of the Mizzou Affair was of course a swastika traced in ostensible human excrement, which for some reason the press failed to recognize as likely anti-Jewish, not anti-black.
[. . .]
It is usually not students, but rather provocateurs off campus or nestled in the administration who are behind the sit-ins, snap-fests, marches, and mass confessionals. The easiest way to prove this is by looking at the lists of demands. There is invariably a lot of bizarre attention paid to the misdeeds of some administrative position and calls for a reorganization of the bureaucratic leadership. "Fire the vice provost and promote the associate director." Students don't write stuff like that.
[. . .]

the legal boilerplate is fitted toward catchphrases to push all the right buttons at the Office of Civil Rights: "hostile learning environment," "inclusivity," "free of intimidation," "safe spaces," "micro-aggressions," and "cultural competency." [. . .] These are not words that sophomores and juniors in college, even at Princeton, come up with, organically. Somewhere behind the scenes, diversity consultants, lawyers, and organizers are spoon-feeding the terminology to them and hoping they don't screw up in front of a bullhorn somewhere.
And of course, somewhere in the demands, the gays and the transgenders magically appear.
[. . .]
To exploit the dreams of black people is older than the cotton gin. [. . .] But it is fully within the pattern of common behavior for protest hustlers to insult the very people they claim to champion.
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making sure that women with penises can shower next to women with vaginas, expanding the gay and lesbian pride center, and hiring more overpaid busybodies to investigate bias incidents and keep secret files on alleged bigots – none of this will change the angst and suffering of poor black communities across America.
So why is it all happening?
So [college administrators] partner up with politicians, organizers, grant administrators, rabble-rousers, and garden-variety scum to draw up plans for lots of street distractions. Rile up the commoners. Make it about some racial issue that will get everybody furious and won't go anywhere or change anything. Fake a hate crime if you have to.

November 30, 2015
Does Any of This Campus Turmoil Have to Do with Race?
By Robert Oscar Lopez

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