November 21, 2015

Preparing For Thanksgiving November 26, 2015

In the week leading up to Thanksgiving, when many public officials begin their long weeks of vacation for the celebration of whatever politically correct holiday they celebrate, the charming and always delightful group of Communists from the state of Washington resumed their role conducting criminal harassment and surveillance. Their dedication of disturbing my sleep every one or two hours can best be described as disgusting.

For the past 40 years this group of misguided, disturbed individuals took time from their attractive, rewarding and interesting lives to focus on making my life worse than other groups were able to make it. You have to appreciate their altruism and belief in the betterment of man. They live to broadcast character assassination, two consistent elements of which are, "He's homeless and mentally ill." 

It makes the heart grow in happiness to know that they undo 18 years of formal education. The many years of taxpayer funded elementary, primary, middle and high school. The expensive college education and graduate school. Six months of military training, and several years of learning in the computer industry. These destroyers of reputations relentlessly ridicule, humiliate, insult, provoke, harass me. They do whatever they can to undermine whatever advances I was able to make from the poverty of my birth to ensure I live as a pariah, in poverty and ridicule. 

This is what the United States government, the Massachusetts government, and the City government of Cambridge MA, stands by, allows and watches. These governments permit criminals to use the enormous power of government and criminal organizations to celebrate upper class leftist black privileged students, their vigorous attacks on white people and the nation of laws. Infantile black snowflakes demand more money and power for the historical abuse of all black and brown people, while black public officials use their official government power to inflict criminal abuse on a 70-year-old white man they say is crazy. 

These are the priorities of the nation while Muslim terrorists threaten to kill Americans, Jews, Christians and to destroy Israel. They show they mean what they say by bombing a Russian airliner killing 244 people. They placed bombs in Beirut, Lebanon killing 44. They killed 125 and wounded hundreds in Paris, and killed 19 in Mali, all within one month. While Muslim terrorists threaten and kill, these Communists from Washington state threaten to kill me and relentlessly harass me. It is their copy cat campaign to diminish me further than the police and the FBI have done over the past 45 years. They are like human vultures picking at the carcass of a 70-year-old white man who remains alive in spite of the dedicated efforts of Harvard University campus police, building superintendents, psychologists and psychiatrists to persuade me to kill myself. That is how depraved the Harvard University Medical School priorities have become under this current cultural shift of the White House and its acolytes.

It is typical of the values of the United States in the 21st century that on property owned and operated by the President and Fellows of Harvard College several criminal organizations, working with their associates in police and government agencies are dedicated to undoing 18 years of education. How fitting that the most prestigious and wealthiest American university ensures a dumbed down population. 

The most recent series of repetitive events was conducted by the California crime Syndicate based in New Jersey and Florida. This is about the 30th time this group of criminals repeated what other factions from the same national criminal organization did numerous times over the previous 45 years. There is a list of allegations made by various police and crime families which are now memorialized in relentless character assassination. This "list" is shared among crime families, police agencies, criminal psychiatric and psychological corporations. They do not make the allegations available to me. I can only guess at what they accuse me of and punish me for, over and over again and again. 

This "lawyer" oversees twenty-fold jeopardy evaluations of allegations made about events from 45 years ago. Employees of the Cambridge public library and city police participate in the character assassination over many years. Under any system of justice in the United States, except for maybe Sharia law, the prosecution is barred by limitations of actions in any state. Nonetheless that does not prevent this "lawyer" from making decisions regarding the events over which he has no knowledge and no legal jurisdiction. He is a criminal abusing his privilege as "an officer of the court" as they like to declare when they are under scrutiny for criminal conduct. Not once have they done this but hundreds of times by the same organized crime family. Just different people and groups within the national crime syndicate. And the taxpayer funded agencies paid to protect vulnerable persons from crimes against them, stand by and make way for the criminals to conduct their abuses.

They recruit lawyers who act as judges. They make decisions without my knowledge and without any input from me. I am not permitted to defend myself. It is all one sided proceedings with the accusations, the lawyers and their enforcers. It has happened so many times it no longer surprises me. It is how crime families operate. What government allows to happen. The Constitution is only for leftists and those who want to destroy the nation. Even the formerly great Harvard University yields to the rule of the crime families.

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