July 22, 2015

Rush Limbaugh Comments On Shocking Trump Campaign

[From article]
Sharyl Attkisson has written a great analysis of this, and it is a fact that Trump did not say what he's being reputed to have said. He said it one time, he was answering a question, and he said that McCain's not a hero, captured, and he changed and said four different times he is a hero, he is a war hero. McCain is a war hero. He said that four times.
The Washington Post, for example, did not report that at all, never reported that Trump said it once, much less four times. Anyway, see, the facts don't really matter in a circumstance like this. That's another thing. What actually was said by the offending party and the context in which it was said are purposely blurred, lied about, or ignored.
[. . .]
Anyway, so Trump says what he says about McCain following McCain's insult of Trump's voters, or supporters, calling them crazies, people in his own state. This ticked Trump off. He doesn't want to think that people support him on immigration or anything else are a bunch of crazy wackos, and McCain characterized them as that. And nobody suggested McCain apologize to the American people. Nobody suggested McCain apologize for that characterization of American citizens, "crazies."
[. . .]
So the convention wisdom erupts into full bloom. The media, the Washington establishment, conservative and liberal both, immediately demand that Trump apologize.
[. . .]
Trump hasn't apologized. Not only has Trump not apologized, he has doubled down and he has to added to his original criticism of McCain. He's calling McCain a bad guy. McCain's a lousy politician. McCain talks a lot but doesn't do anything, Trump says. The VA is a mess. Illegal immigration's a mess. Everything we hear McCain say he supports or cares about, it's all going to hell. He's a bad guy. He's not a good politician. I'm trying to save America. I'm not gonna apologize.
[. . .]
A majority of the American people don't trust the media. A majority of the American people consider the media a problem.
[. . .]
The American people haven't seen something like this in a long time. I'm serious. They have not seen an embattled public figure stand up for himself, double down, and tell everybody to go to hell.


Trump Teachable Moment: How Come Liberals Can Savage McCain's Service?
July 20, 2015

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