December 6, 2014

Washington DC City Council Repeals Religious Exemption

[From article]
The impact of the repeal is likely to be broad, since the city’s Human Rights Act will prohibit religious schools from acting in accordance with their beliefs regarding sexual morality in decisions related to funding, facilities, campus organizations, benefits, etc. The schools cannot even withhold “endorsement, approval or recognition” of those promoting messages at odds with the religious teachings of the school about appropriate sexual conduct.
While other states have been acting to protect religious liberties, D.C. is trying to narrow the permissible decisions and even speech of religious schools. It is a warning that carefully constructed compromises on anti-discrimination bills are only temporary.
Congress should immediately act to restore this basic, narrow limitation on the power of D.C. to interfere with the teachings and practices of religious schools.

D.C. Council: Religious Schools Must Adopt Its Views on Sexual Morality
By William C. Duncan & Michael T. Worley
National Review
December 5, 2014 4:47 PM

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