December 26, 2014

Government Officials Distort Reality to Explain Misguided Policies

[From article]
The American electorate is not stupid about Obamacare… at least not all of us. [. . .] Lies, false dichotomies, logical fallacies, quid pro quos, backdoor deals -- you name it -- all were used as tools to pass it. If it was deceptive, underhanded, self-serving and/or illogical, it was added to the Democrats’ bag of tricks. The rallying cry was lies, lies, and more lies -- anything to pass this bill! It was blatant. It was in-your-face. It went on and on. It was amazing to behold. The Democrats were large and in charge. They were in their own utopic bubble and nothing and no one was going to get in their way – including “We, the People”, the majority of whom have opposed the law since its passage.
[. . .]
What the people received, however, was a whole lot more than they bargained for -- a complete monstrosity of a bill, a convoluted, litigious mess that usurped a huge portion of the economy. It was filled with penalties, fees, mandates, and various taxes on both individuals and businesses. Yet, somehow, someway it was supposed to lower costs. Guess what? That didn’t happen.
[. . .]
So, where was the mainstream media in all of this? Oh, they were around. They just weren’t doing their job very well. Most of the time, they failed to conduct any due diligence.
[. . .]
Of course, liberals have always been the ends-justify-the-means kind of feelers. In other words, they are people you cannot trust to be honest and straightforward when they have an agenda.
Now that the public is faced with the truth of what their government thinks of them, thanks to Gruber (who was paid approx. $400k for his stellar work), the only explanation the Democrats can offer is either 1) Gruber lied (yes, accuse the liar of lying when the lie is discovered!) or 2) everyone does it.
The ‘everyone does it’ argument is the very last refuge for the morally-challenged
[. . .]
As Gruber said, the bill was tortured in an attempt not to call it a tax. Then, the Supreme Court tortured it some more to call it out as a tax.
[. . .]
this is the essence of liberal big government – elitists thinking they know better than you do, that due to the very nature of their advanced brainpower and overall awesomeness, they get to tell you what to do, how to live, what to think, and who to believe. They get to pick the winners and the losers in their quest for complete control over American lives. And half of us are willing to let them because they tell us it is for our own good!
[. . .]
The process of passing Obamacare was ugly, the players corrupt, the deals underhanded and the methods disengenuous, but the end result, to a liberal Democrat, erases all that. Like Gruber, they would ‘rather have this bill than not’. If Democrats have to give up truth, transparency, the rule of law and their very souls to get what they want, so be it.

November 15, 2014
Obamacare -- the Truth is Out
By Frances Twitty

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