April 2, 2013

Radical Ex-Convict Teaches at Columbia, Lectures at NYU

Here's one more example of misguided priorities in law enforcement in this country. This young lady (now 69) was convicted of participating in an armed robbery where two police officers and a Brinks guard were killed.  After serving 22 years in prison, she is now giving endowed lectures at New York University and is an Adjunct Professor at Columbia University. Aside from a police frame-up, arrest with no conviction in 1990 in Cambridge, Massachusetts after I complained about police harassment, I was not convicted of any crime and served no time in prison. For 42 years since I graduated from Columbia University, police, crime families, Communists, charming Harvard University campus cops, and assorted FBI criminals took turns conducting a relentless campaign of character assassination, harassment, ridicule, sleep deprivation, surveillance, threats, and humiliation. This continues in 2013 though I am now 70 years old and survived all of the previous government abuses. Who sets the public safety priorities in  this country? Has organized crime taken control of the US government and universities? 

KATHY BOUDIN Teaches about ex-cons.


Robert Redford’s War on History
Jonathan S. Tobin @tobincommentary
04.03.2013 - 7:30 PM

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[From article]

The sons and daughters of those gunned down by Weather Underground killers have lived in obscurity. Meanwhile, Chesa Boudin has lived a pampered life surrounded by tenured academics and celebrity friends. His adoptive parents? The infamous pals of Barack Obama, Weathermen organizers Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.
Chesa Boudin attended Yale, won a prestigious Rhodes scholarship, shilled for Hugo Chavez, wrote books and keeps a busy speaking schedule. He still stands by the Weathermen’s revolutionary agenda: “My parents were all dedicated to fighting US imperialism around the world. I’m dedicated to the same thing.”


Redford’s whitewash
Of Weatherman terrorists
New York Post
Last Updated: 12:09 AM, March 30, 2013
Posted: 11:24 PM, March 29, 2013

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[From article]
For, as Yeats put it in his poem condemning the lockstep uniformity of the university’s intellectual elite: “All think what other people think.” And what they think is that it’s fine to hire a terrorist complicit in murder who lied to get herself out of prison.


Columbia’s pet terrorist
Kathy Boudin surely fits right in
New York Post
Last Updated: 12:02 AM, April 3, 2013
Posted: 10:41 PM, April 2, 2013

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[From article]
Former Weather Underground radical Kathy Boudin — who spent 22 years in prison for an armored-car robbery that killed two cops and a Brinks guard — now holds a prestigious adjunct professorship at Columbia University’s School of Social Work, The Post has learned.
Boudin, 69, this year won another academic laurel — being named the Sheinberg Scholar-in-Residence at NYU Law School, where last month she gave a lecture on “the politics of parole and re-entry.”


Outrage 101: Radical jailed in slay now Columbia prof
New York Post
Last Updated: 3:34 AM, April 2, 2013
Posted: 2:48 AM, April 2, 2013

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