March 31, 2013

Psychiatrist Warns Of Psychiatric Abuses

This psychiatrist makes cogent observations but does not show where the line begins of psychiatric abuses. Maybe all of psychiatry is an abuse and waste of taxpayer money and denial of freedoms with no due process? 

[From article]
there’s been a massive mislabeling of psychiatric diagnosis among children because of recent medical fads.
In the last 20 years, rates of attention deficit disorder have tripled, while autistic disorder and childhood bipolar disorder have each increased by a remarkable 40-fold.
Human nature just doesn’t change that quickly, but the labels follow fashion and can escalate dramatically without there being an actual increase in symptoms. Our kids haven’t suddenly become sicker, it’s just that diagnoses are applied to them more loosely.
[. . .]
Once the adult market was saturated, pharmaceutical manufacturers turned their greedy attention to kids and began a sometimes illegal campaign to convince doctors, parents and teachers that every childhood problem is a mental disorder, the result of a chemical imbalance that requires a pill solution.

A disease called ‘childhood’
Do 1 in 5 NYC preteens really suffer a mental woe? A psychiatry expert argues we’re overdiagnosing —and overmedicating — our kids
New York Post
Last Updated: 7:48 AM, March 31, 2013
Posted: 9:58 PM, March 30, 2013

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